Student review of the novel “Superburguesas”

Spanish teacher Katie Sevilla wrote about her student Ahmani’s reaction to Superburguesas: “I just wanted to tell you that I have a copy of your book in my FVR library. I had my kids do an “evaluacion de libros” today. We are coming down to the end of the semester and so I wanted to have them do something to show what they have been reading during FVR time. They could do a video or make a poster and present it. I had a girl who did Superburguesas. She made a slide of a few pics of the characters (Fifi, Rodney, Sr. Superburguesas, etc.). Then she went into MAJOR detail about what happened ALL OFF THE TOP OF HER HEAD, no script, NOT a native Spanish speaker (level 3)! It was amazing. I had a member of our admin observing and he was blown away! So great. She obviously loved the book! Now the rest of the kids want to read it! Secuestros, disparos, narcotraficantes, amor, y el chico NO SE LAVA las manos!!! She was so excited about this book. I wish I had videotaped it! Thanks again for the great read!!!”

The author responded: That is wonderful!!! I am currently writing and illustrating a graphic novel prequel to Superburguesas that explains the whole backstory behind Jessica, her dad and how Rodney came into their lives. It will be available in the summer of 2018. In the photo to the right you can see me with the presidenta of our Spanish Club who helped write the novel when she was a freshman. Our class had such a good time writing it that they went on to become some of my best students ever… I am happy that the novel is as fun to read as it was to write!

One thought on “Student review of the novel “Superburguesas”

  1. I just discovered that three copies of Superburguesas have dissapeared this week. WIN! Sad the books are missing. Happy the kids liked them enough to adopt them. I always hear positive things about Superbuerguesas. Great hit with my #Middles. Maybe they’ll find their way home before the school year is over. Also down 5 copies of Capibara con botas, 2 Pobre Anas, and Brandon Brown vs Yucatan.

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